Leveller 3-in-1

For the leveller to function optimally in both sand and rubble lanes a system has been developed that can work both forwards and backwards according to the ‘suspension’ principle, but also the ‘cheese slice’ principle. In this system the guide plate/compacting plate (also used as a bucket) provides the support needed to overcome the influence of the tyre suspension.

The great advantages of the Ahlmann leveller 3-in-1 is that it enables you to level both forwards and backwards and to let the guide/compacting plate rest. Its substantial own weight makes the blade penetrate hard bottom tracks easier and also gives the guide plate a compacting function.

The bucket is not only intended to fill up lower areas. It is important to know that sufficient material must be in front of the blade at all times in order to achieve a good final result. With the help of the bucket a ridge of sand can be placed at the beginning of each new path which can then be taken along.

Various functions in a single machine.

The leveller can also be equipped with an optional finishing/camber bar with which a 2.5% camber can be applied.

The Ahlmann 3-in-1 levellers can be mounted also at wheelloaders of other manufacturers.

Working width: 1.80 / 2.60 meter
Incl. lateral doors: 2.55 / 3.55 meter

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